
CS is a communication system that changes the way that the world’s problems are connected to experts by using an organizational interface which offers live connection to or scheduled time with industry experts and access to a data library of demand-driven, industry-proven resources.

One value of this system is that it will keep under-employed, unemployed, and semi-retired experts connected to their trade—adding value to the world.

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Key Benefits

  • Increase profits by:

    • Saving on labor costs by reducing hours spent in the field.

    • Saving on travel time to and from projects.

  • Real-time quality assurance.

  • Immediate access and direct communication with experts, problem solvers, and consultants.

  • Archiving projects for review, training, and promotional content.


Select below for more info on CS:


CS Case Study


Anna is planning her garden and does not know where to go for expertise. She needs help understanding what plants work best in her region and how to layout the garden design for optimal sunlight, irrigation, and aesthetic design.

She also needs help figuring out how to go about garden construction, how difficult it could get (in case she needs to outsource and hire someone), and where to source the materials.

She’s just overwhelmed by the project and needs help; online how-to guides don’t take into account her own yard’s unique sunlight patterns, terrain, and regional climate variations.

The Solution: CS helps source Bob (a recently retired landscape architect) and Susan (an organic farm owner located just 300 miles from Anna with the same climate) to help Anna via virtual consult with her project.

CS opens up income-generating opportunities for Bob and Susan, and accessible technical expertise for Anna.

*The system is designed for similar utility in commercial and industrial applications as well.