
This concept revolves around minimizing single use packaging’s environmental damage through design and accountability.

In 2020, I started a nonprofit called “Packaging Evolved” with the goal of “supporting the design of systems around reduction of single use packaging waste.“ We are building a Solutions Catalogue with ideas from contributors to address this problem.

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My beliefs:

  • All consumers, distributors, regulators, businesses, and packagers NEED to be held responsible for the waste they bring into the environment.

  • Many items today could be packaged in reusable, repurposable, biodegradable materials.

  • We have a responsibility to our planet to reduce the single use, industrial waste. In a few generations we have done obvious major environmental damage. Single-use packaging is a very obvious surface-level example.

Central Platform for Innovation

PE was developed as a platform to support the development of new initiatives and solutions to reduce the use of single-use packaging.

It has been very painful for me to touch something for seconds or minutes, literally, and know that it’ll end up in our environment for years to centuries into the future.

How can we look differently at the many examples of single-use packaging in our everyday lives?

How can we design for longevity or alternative use?

*Product Catalogue Coming Soon